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Rembrandt’s Fault

Marco Sbrocca


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Rembrandt’s Fault

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I was first inspired to paint by seeing Rembrandt’s work in the Rijksmuseum. They’re some of the most incredible paintings I’ve ever seen to this day. There’s an incredible life burning through his paintings. Big or small, complex scenes or portraits they’re more than a photograph could ever convey and has a soul in them only a painting could capture. With that being said I was so moved by these paintings I felt I had to create something myself and I pushed, and continue to push, as hard as I can to recapture what I felt when I first saw his paintings. That process takes a toll and in a way I blame Rembrandt.

25"H × 19"W × 1.5"D
Oil on Panel


Personally, I’m not a fan of giving every single last detail about why I do what I do and for what reason in every single last painting so I’ll keep it short (for you, not for me - I could talk all day about this). But with that being said, what I’m most concerned with when building a painting is the emotion it can summon up from the viewer. Building a beautiful painting is like building a beautiful house, everything needs to be calculated and studied. From color to anatomy to composition everything needs to have been thought about and played with. While creating disorder is like watching it slowly decay, making it worse, tearing it down, throwing what the masters learned and turning it on its head. You can’t appreciate one without the other. Everything beautiful needs to accompanied by dread and vice versa. Allowing something a little different into our worlds could never be a bad thing. I think a little more of that would do everyone some good.

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