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Welcome to Embrace Creatives

The future of your art collection starts here.

Andrea Rosenfeld

Image credit: Sarah Blanchette

Finding artwork you love enough to live with can be as tricky as finding the right person to live with.”

As a fine artist and art expert for over thirty years, I know how frustrating it is to find art + objects you truly connect with and bring you joy. Most people don’t know what they should be looking for, get frustrated with too many options, and lack confidence that the art they found is the best choice for their space.

The most common questions Collectors ask me are:

    • Are there other options besides paintings?
    • How can I tell if the artist is reliable so my artwork arrives safely?
    • How do I begin my art collection?

Learning that so many people are intimidated buying artwork, I realized that many artists, whose pieces should be out in the wider world, would miss out on sales so I decided to make art buying easier.

Welcome to this special place, built around a personal passion: matching collectors searching for fabulous artwork with local pieces passionately crafted by hand-picked American artists and designers.

Dive into my diverse and mindfully growing Embrace Creatives online gallery to discover a vast array of paintings, digital artwork, fiber/textiles, furniture, paper art, and more expertly crafted by reliable artists and makers who infuse their soul into their work and who rise to my strict business standards.

Too busy to look for art on your own? Utilize my full service art advising services and allow me to guide you! I will take over the sourcing responsibilities, manage custom artwork projects, and handle delivery and installation. I become your art partner, expertly taking care of your art projects so get the best artwork for your home or office without stress.

Seriously, I love what I do! Helping you end the frustration of buying art and empowering artists is why I developed Embrace Creatives.

Begin or build upon your amazing art collection with us!

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Andrea Bogart
Founder I Lead Art Advisor
Embrace Creatives, LLC
☎️ 248-702-4902
Find my art on EC

Curious about me?

The first thing people tell me after we speak for the first time is that they can “see” my passion for what I do. And I truly do love matching EC artwork with collectors, business owners, and interior professionals’ clients.

An award winning artist in high school, attending the University of Michigan School of Art & Design served me well but halfway through I became antsy and decided to move to New York to study fashion at FIT. I never stopped creating and my artwork has been exhibited in Metro Detroit, New York, New Jersey, Virginia and Pennsylvania and hangs in private collections. My art jewelry garnered press, including the premier fashion trade publication, Women’s Wear Daily, The Gem Trade Association, National Jeweler, the Retail Jeweler, the Chicago Sun Times, and more.

My professional background includes time with Perry Ellis Portfolio Menswear and then Isaac Mizrahi’s Director of Merchandising and Operations. After thirty years raising my three children on the East Coast, I moved back home to Detroit in 2014 and continued curating and advising while entering the workforce as the Manager of Lawrence Technological University’s Detroit Center for Design and Technology. In 2021, LTU brought me to Southfield as their College of Art and Design’s External Outreach, Social Media, and Events Manager.

When COVID 19 hit I saw galleries and retail facilities failing – I knew I had to kick up the pace and dive in to truly bridge the gap between buyers and artists. I launched my Embrace Creatives full service art advising firm and online showroom in January, 2021. Sales were instantaneous and things haven’t slowed. I’ve been blessed to have the opportunity to match artwork with big time buyers like Muguel McKelvey, co founder and former chief culture office of WeWork, global corporations like Siemens, local small business owners, and national collectors. I have BIG plans for Embrace Creatives and am excited to see what the future holds.


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