I’m excited to get your special story in front of interior designers, collectors and others!! EC artist interviews will be added to our INFORM blog and promoted through social media and newsletters. If included, you will receive an interview launch date so you can help promote. Please check spelling and grammar before you submit. Do not include any contact information.
Here are the requirements to be included in this interview opportunity:
- Minimum of seven (7) artworks.
- New artwork listed in 2024.
- Removal of “sold” artworks.
And while you’re inside your account, double check your address and phone number for accuracy.

To finish later – click the SAVE + CONTINUE button. You will receive a link via email.
Disclaimer: Submitting this form does not guarantee inclusion. Embrace Creatives will review all entries. If there are too many errors, you will be notified. Writing resources; GrammarBook; ChatGBT; Grammarly; Spell Checker.