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Jane Nodine


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Part of the Reflections series. “REFLECTIONS” is a series of paintings I started in March 2020 when states began to announce stay-at-home orders and businesses closed in order to slow the spread of COVID19. I had planned to spend the month of May 2020 in Italy but as the virus spread and travel was restricted, it became clear my trip would be cancelled. Taking a broad view of this critical and historical event I decided to use the shut-down time as an “at-home” artist residency, and made plans to work in my studio almost daily. At the beginning I saw the process as a coping mechanism, but it soon became clear the focused studio time would render results in a series of new paintings that responded to the fears of the invisible virus, and yet celebrate the hopes of life and a future.

48"H × 36"W × 2"D
Acrylic on canvas
Do not install in direct sun or eating unit.


"I make art that gives viewers an experience for looking." Having a strong interest in materiality and a personal connection to the natural world, my work is inspired by elements that show the passage of time and a record of aging. Informed by the macro and micro world, I focus on explorations of color, texture and substance manipulation that yield unusual and seductive visual results. My attention to surface and detailed foundation layers places an emphasis on the appearance of work as I strive to attract the viewer in for closer observation. I work intuitively and describe my approach to art-making as a process of excavation. There is no map or definitive end and no preconceived plan of travel, only a sense that something waits to be revealed.

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