I began painting this spot, roughly100 yards from my home, in early June. However, I lost my way a couple weeks into it due to deep internal anger at a new neighbor whose property borders this one. His land, like all of ours, was heavily wooded, natural and home a great number of animals who created habitats adjacent to the stream that runs behind all of our homes...and he completely deforested it to put in a huge damn lawn! What an A-hole, and his callousness really kept me off balance. However, Mother Nature really brought me back to life this past Saturday when I was walking the area again and a majestic young buck literally burst out of the woods, crossed the stream and gently stood before me. He had no fear of me, and somehow, I knew from his presence that everything was going to be ok. It was spiritually touching, and this enlightened painting is dedicated that deer and the sincere hope that he will grow up strong and come back to kick my neighbor in the head...then I will make another painting!
Down Stony at Creeks Edge
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My work offers less about the detailed physicality of nature and instead captures the purest emotions bestowed upon the human condition by exposure to nature.
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