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Your “I SOLD” Checklist

- Post Sale Checklist 1


Once you’ve made a sale, (congrats!) you will receive an email with the order details and begin prepping your artwork for shipping.

Before you start, you must take photos of each stage of packaging. For more details, visit the Packing & Shipping area of our handbook.

- Post Sale Checklist 2

Schedule your pickup and print out any labels.

You’ve scheduled your pickup date? Great! In preparation for your courier’s arrival or before you drop off your artwork for shipping, print out any labels and note the tracking number.

At this point, we will need you to fill out the Details Form so we can keep track of your package.

- Post Sale Checklist 3

Tracking your artwork

We will send tracking information to your buyer and we expect you to track your package as well, making sure there are no issues. If you see a problem, contact us immediately.

- Post Sale Checklist 4

Delivery to the buyer

Once we confirm the safe delivery, your buyer has 7 days to check for (pre-shipment) damage and request a return.

If, at 7 days we do not hear from the buyer, your payment will be set up for processing.

- Post Sale Checklist 5

Time to get paid

If there is no return request from the Buyer, your payment plus any shipping fees will be automatically sent out 30 days from the ship date. For detailed payment information, read the Payments section of our handbook.