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Can Buyers Contact Me Through Embrace Creatives?

Nope. Currently, we do not have an internal messaging system.  Embrace Creatives is the go-between, managing commissions and sales so all communication will go through Andrea and TEAM EC.

If an artist is approved for a commission project and it’s advantageous for the buyer to communicate directly with the artist, EC will connect the two parties but we expect both parties to only communicate as necessary to complete the project.

In addition, Andrea must be aware of any private communication between an EC artist and EC buyer if they were connected through Embrace Creatives and if it results in a sale or additional commission.  For more information, please read, “A buyer contacts me directlyin our Artist Handbook.

Embrace Creatives has the right to remove a Seller at any time if they contact a prospective buyer referred from our platform or in-person event or if we feel that Seller is not living up to their professional obligations and Seller Agreement.

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