What if Artwork I Have Listed on Embrace Creatives Sells Somewhere Else?
If you sell an item that you listed on Embrace Creatives you have two choices:
- Delete the product as soon as possible and replace it with something else/new.
- Change the stock number to zero and un-publish the artwork, placing it in draft mode.
Both of these two options will keep the sold piece from being purchased through your gallery and upsetting a buyer.
Choose option #2 if you would like to reproduce this artwork at another time. Changing the stock number to zero keeps all of the artwork information in your account so you do not have to re-list.
How to DELETE a Product
- Login to your Embrace Creatives account and click PRODUCTS in your account menu.
- Find the sold artwork.
- Hover over the options listed and find “Delete Perminently”.
- Click the text and your artwork will be deleted.
- ALERT: Once you delete an artwork it’s gone forever. You will have to relist if reproducing it for sale at a later date.
- Option: If you’d like, you can edit the title of the artwork adding “sold”. Only you and EC Admins will see this edit.
How to UNPUBLISH a Product
- Login to your Embrace Creatives account and click PRODUCTS in your account menu.
- Find the sold artwork.
- Hover over the options listed and click the “pencil” icon. That is your access to edit your listing.
- Once inside your listing, scroll to the bottom.
- Find “Stock Listing” and set the number to zero (0).
- Then find the “Other Options” drop down field and set the status to “Hidden Draft”.
- These actions will keep your artwork in your account but hide it from buyers until you are ready to relist.
In this drop down click HIDDEN DRAFT.
You can see that the “sold” artworks are clearly set with zero stock and placed in draft.
Keeping your EC listings updated is a great way to instill trust and will allow you to continue to sell through our online gallery and with our private clients. Failure to keep your gallery up-to-date may result in your removal from our site.