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Easily edit artwork listing

You may want to change the photo, or edit one of the categories or shipping fee.

Whatever reason you have, it’s easy to edit any of your artwork listings on Embrace Creatives.

Step 1 – Log in

Step 2 – In your Dashboard, go to the left-hand menu and click PROJECT MANAGER > ALL PRODUCTS

Step 3 – Scroll down the product listing until you find the item you want to edit. You’ll see the thumbnail image as well as the title for identification.

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Step 4 – Scroll to the right where you see the icons. Click the “pencil” icon which means “edit”.

BE CAREFUL not to click the trash can icon, that’s DELETE. Eep! If you hover over the icons, they will reveal their purpose.

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Step 5 – Click the pencil icon and your art product page will open. You’ll know you’re in EDIT mode because the words, EDIT PRODUCT will be on the upper left side of the screen.

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Step 6 – Make the changes you’d like. To keep the item in our Showroom and your Store, click the PUBLISH button. If you’d like to save as a draft to edit at another time, click DRAFT. 

Draft means that the product is hidden from buyers.

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Step 7 – The STATUS column will show you which items are published and which are in draft.

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Back to Managing Your Artwork.

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